Ankle Pain After a Strain
Normally the pain of an ankle sprain settles quite quickly and requires no treatment. However a proportion of people can have ongoing pain following what is usually quite a minor injury. This is not normal and can be caused by a range of problems. When you sprain your ankle, the ligaments between the bones are stretched or torn. This can lead to incomplete healing or inflammation in the ligament which can be painful. The tissues can also form a dense scar which can get trapped and pinched in the ankle when you move it. Less commonly a small bone chip separates from one of the ankle bones or a nerve be injured leading to ongoing pain.
After talking to you and examining your ankle, we will obtain an X-ray to ensure you did not sustain a small fracture during the injury. You may also require additional tests such as an MRI or CT scan. However it is not that uncommon that even quite advanced tests are deceptively normal.
Your treatment will depend on the precise cause of the pain and we will personalise this to your individual needs. Both conservative (non-surgical) and surgical treatment methods may be used. Conservative treatments include anti-inflammatory medications such as r Ibuprofen to reduce swelling; physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the muscles and restore movement; an ankle brace or other support; an injection of a steroid medication; or in the case of a fracture, immobilisation to allow the bone to heal.
Our expert surgeons carry out the majority of the surgical procedures with key-hole (arthroscopic) surgery as a daycare operation. Your surgery will be tailored to the case of the diagnosis but may include removing (excising) loose fragments, cleaning (debriding) the joint or repairing the ligaments. You will normally be permitted to walk on the leg immediately after surgery but rehabilitation may take 6 to 10 weeks to ensure proper healing.
Contact Us
There are many ways to book an appointment at the Cotswold Foot & Ankle Clinic. This may be a referral from either your GP, Hospital Consultant, Chartered Physiotherapist or Podiatrist.
For insured patients you will need to contact your insurance provider. If self-funding you may make a direct referral, but we prefer if you contact your GP, so they can inform us of your medical background.
Cheltenham Hospital, Nuffield Health
Cheltenham GL51 6SY
The Manor Hospital, Nuffield Health
Oxford OX3 7RP
01242 246 559
© Cotswold Foot & Ankle Clinic 2020 | PRIVACY POLICY